Design and/or adjustment of the modules according to the company’s needs: additional trainer days to be defined on a case by case basis.
You are looking to improve the efficiency of your production system by strengthening the quality and productivity performance management capabilities of your field management.
In the context of the reorganisation or creation of autonomous production units, you are looking to support your field managers in their new role.
Give a certain level of autonomy to field managers to :
- Disseminate a culture of compliance with the production system standards.
- Monitor the application, correct deviations, be a force of proposal in the creation or improvement of standards.
- Manage performance on a daily basis by analysing the results of the production sector and implementing the necessary actions.
- Identify sources of improvement and manage their implementation.
- React quickly to the incident by protecting the customer and dealing with the problem in a structured manner.
Recommanded for
- Autonomous production team leaders.
- Supervisors.
- Leaders of autonomous production teams.
No prerequisites.
Depending on the starting point of the employee and the tasks entrusted to him or her, we work with the company to develop an appropriate training programme in the form of several modules.
Each module is organised in 2 stages:
- a collective training session in the classroom, followed by an application in the field, for a total maximum duration of 4 hours
- an individualised coaching session on the application of the tools presented in the course.
In the event that a presentation to an internal jury has been planned to validate the knowledge acquired, each participant, as the modules are completed and applied, will compile a portfolio containing the evidence of the implementation of his or her practices.
Evaluation mode
Depending on the formula chosen by the company, there are several possibilities:
- Presentation to a final internal jury, using the file compiled throughout the course.
- Evaluation of the level of mastery and practice of the concepts learned by the trainee, by the management, in the field, formalised by a level reached in a grid (for example: white belt, yellow belt, etc.).
Course materials
Participant’s file containing the presentations delivered during the training and the exercise materials.
To go further
Consulting services : EURO-SYMBIOSE can assist you in the concrete implementation in your company. Contact us to know more about it.
The number and nature of the modules will depend on the starting level and the objective to be achieved.
Among the possibilities, here are the most classic modules :
- Informing and communicating within a production unit
- Working to standards
- Managing and developing multi-skilling
- Monitoring UAP performance
- Mastering the QRQC approach level 1
- Audit of a workstation
- Knowing how to identify improvement levers.
“Good training that gives leaders and RUAPs a sense of perspective”.
“A very positive training, very rich, with many scenarios that allow a better understanding of the theory. “
“Essential training in our profession”.

To get a quote : Contact us