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Become a Green Belt – #61
If you want to deploy the Six Sigma approach and lead strategic projects to reduce the variability of your industrial or service processes or if you want to make your functional managers and process pilots evolve towards a Green Belt qualification (*) through EURO-SYMBIOSE’s training and expertise.
(*) The Green Belt qualification can only be granted by Euro-Symbiose under the following conditions :
- Successful completion of the knowledge test (MCQ) conducted on the last day of the training.
- Understand your role as a Green Belt facilitator and leader of Six Sigma improvement teams
- Know how to characterize a Green Belt Six Sigma project (charter and contract)
- Know how to build and lead effectively a team around a Six Sigma project.
- Understand and apply the DMAIC project approach
- Know how to use quality tools and simple statistical techniques at different stages of the process
- Know how to present the progress of your Six Sigma project to the Champion in a concise and complete manner
Recommanded for
- Operational or functional managers in charge of improving process performance.
No prerequisites.
- The steps of the method and the tools are taught on the basis of a case study.
- Exercises are used to train participants in their role as project team leaders.
During this training, it is recommended that participants apply the concepts and tools taught during the intersession on a Six Sigma project of their organization; a feedback is done at the beginning of the second week.
- During the DMAIC steps, computer supports are provided and used (excel files) in order to allow the formalization of the results (chart, SIPOC, CTQ Matrix, …) and the use of simple statistical tools (control chart, capability…)
This training is offered in several sessions: 2 sessions of 2 days and 2 sessions of 3 days.
Evaluation mode
- Knowledge test (MCQ 60 questions) over approximately 2 hours
Course materials
- Participant file containing the presentations delivered during the training and the exercise materials.
To go further
FINAL GREEN-BELT CERTIFICATION based on a project defense (EURO-SYMBIOSE certification) : based on the implementation of a Six Sigma Green Belt Project, validated by EURO-SYMBIOSE at the different DMAIC steps of the Project.
Training :
Consulting services : EURO-SYMBIOSE can assist you in the concrete implementation in your company. Contact us to know more about it.
Day 1 : Introduction to Six Sigma, the DMAIC approach, key roles and key components
« Define » Step, Part 1: Selecting priorities:
- Project opportunities and prioritization criteria
- The project charter
Day 2: Define Step (continued)
« Define » Step Part 1 (continued):
- The project team and the team contract
- Listening to the customer and the CTQ
« Define » Step Part 2: Learning about the process:
- SIPOC, Flowchart and Quick wins
- Review of the Define Step
Feedback from the trainees’ projects
Day 3: “Measure” step Part 1
Choice of measurements and study of the variation of measurement systems
Day 4: “Measure” step Part 2
- Study of the variation of the data
- Listening to the voice of the process using control charts
Day 5: Measure step Part 3
- Remove assignable causes
- Compare the voice of the customer to the voice of the process (short term capabilities)
- Search and prioritize common causes
Synthesis of the “Measure” step
Feedback from the trainees’ projects
Day 6: “Analyze” step
Analysis of X’s and Y’s
Analysis of the relationship between X and Y :
- Graphical analysis
- Inferential analysis: Hypothesis testing for discrete variables
Day 7: “Analyze” step (continued)
Analysis of the relationship between X and Y (continued) :
- Modeling the relationship by regression for continuous variables
- Identification of main effects and interactions: using factorial experimental designs
Identification of root causes
Synthesis of the “Analyze” step
Feedback from the trainees’ projects
Day 8: “Improve” step
Part 1: Study the results:
- Generate solutions
- Choose the solution
- Optimize settings through experimentation
Part 2: Implement the solution:
- Evaluate the risks of the solution
- Make the solution robust
- Anticipate resistance to change
- Plan the implementation of the solution
- Evaluate the risks of implementing the solution
Synthesis of the “Improve” stage
Day 9: “Control” step
Part 1: Stabilize :
- Define how to control the critical X variables
- Verify the long-term capability of the new process
- Standardize, formalize the changes
- Transfer
Day 10: Control step (continued)
Part 2: Review :
- Learn and communicate
- Evaluate the financial gains
- Conduct the project closing review with management
- Synthesis of the ” Control ” stage
After the project
Synthesis of the Six Sigma approach
Evaluation of the training
” Exciting, lively and illustrated training ! Well structured and dense, very useful for the future and in line with my expectations.”
” What I liked the most during this training is above all Valerie’s mastery of the subject, which had the immediate consequence of allowing me to find this training very clear, practical and adaptable to practical cases in my company. I never had the feeling that the concepts were abstract and would be good to put in a closet at the end of the training, because Valerie always made sure to bring all the principles to school cases. Moreover, the content of the training was totally adapted to the level of the group and alternated in a very balanced way theory and practical exercises. Finally, the homogeneity of the group was also one of the strong points. “
” This training was very interesting, very rich. The facilitator masters her subject and has a lot of experience, which contributes considerably to the training. The strong points are in the setting in situation which makes it possible to assimilate the principles.”
” We were impressed by the quantity of tools, methodologies and statistical knowledge necessary to deploy a 6 Sigma approach and we praised our trainer, Valérie Le Couëdic, for mastering them. Personally, I found that the final exam, which was very complete, was a real evaluation of the knowledge acquired. I particularly appreciated this training for its content, its course and also for the richness of the various exchanges that we were able to share with the participants, all of whom came from the aeronautical sector and for whom the customer/supplier divide in our daily relations was totally erased.”

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