For more information on accessibility, access procedures and deadlines, see our Training page.
- You are familiar with the principles of Lean Manufacturing but have not necessarily seen its concrete applications.
- You would like your employees to discover what this approach consists of and the gains it allows you to make, and above all the challenges it could present in your own context.
- You believe in the power of demonstration by example, and therefore favour pragmatic and participative presentations.
- Discover the main principles of Lean Manufacturing and why Lean is the best way to achieve industrial excellence.
- Understand and practice using common Lean tools.
- Be able to identify the benefits of these concepts for your own environment.
- Understand the major steps in rolling out a Lean system.
Recommanded for
- Management teams
- Production engineers
- Process engineers
- Quality engineers
- Logistics engineers.
No prerequisites.
The participants will each play a role in a “chain link” production company and carry out production, control, planning, logistics, etc. This factory will therefore produce to satisfy customer orders, using different organisational methods.
The production RUNS will follow each other in the following order:
- RUN 1: representative of classic production organisation modes.
- RUN 1′: leaves the participants free to improve performance.
- RUN 1”, 2, and 3: allowing the progressive implementation of Lean concepts with the tools that are classically associated with it. At each RUN, the performance of the production line is measured in terms of productivity, WIP, customer service rate, quality, stress level, … Between each RUN, the Lean concepts and relevant tools are presented for immediate application.
Evaluation mode
Validation by the trainer of the ability to apply the concepts and tools taught through situational exercises.
Course materials
Participant’s file containing the presentations delivered during the training and the exercise materials.
To go further
Training :
Consulting services: EURO-SYMBIOSE can assist you in the concrete implementation in your company. Contact us to know more about it.
Presentation of the production line and customer requirements :
- Setting up and production of RUN 1 organised according to classic modes .
- Introduction to Lean and presentation of its purpose (notions of Lead Time and MUDA).
- Introduction to Value Stream Mapping (VSM).
- Presentation of Lean Manufacturing concepts.
Experimentation of a progressive Lean approach:
- Presentation of the 5S and DMAIC tools.
- Implementation of the first improvements.
- Calculation of Takt Time and use of the VSM. Implementation and production of RUN 2.
- Presentation of the Kanban and SMED tools. Implementation and production of the RUN 3.
- Exchange on the opportunities and challenges of implementation in the participants’ factories.

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