🇬🇧 AERONAUCTICS SECTOR : « Measurement System Analysis (MSA) TRAINING ACCORDING TO AS13003 »

Writing : Maelise ROBERT, EURO-SYMBIOSE’s communication officer, Jean-Michel DESMARS EURO-SYMBIOSE’s Senior partner consultant.
Measurement System Analysis or « MSA » is a method that evaluates and improves the reliability of your measurements. Measurement variations can lead to rejecting a compliant product or worse, releasing and sending a non-compliant product to the customer.
MSA is the study of the measurement system as a whole. It studies the different sources of variation related to the measuring instrument, the operator or the measurement method used.
Thus, the MSA is an essential prerequisite for process control. It is the second step of the DMAICs concept (M=Measures) which governs the implementation method of major improvement projects such as LEAN, SIX SIGMA or SPC (Statistical Process Control) …
EURO-SYMBIOSE offers you an MSA training specially adapted to the AERO sector in accordance with the AS13003 standard.
Although this standard is dedicated to manufacturers or subcontractors of aircraft engines, it is applicable to any industrial company in the ASD sector (Aeronautics, Space, Defense).
This standard is a guideline on the limits applicable to capability analyses of measurement systems, and refers to the usual standards of these analyses: accuracy, fidelity, resolution …
The EURO-SYMBIOSE training “MSA according to AS13003” is intended for quality teams, project managers / industrialization / production / methods. For the smooth running of the training, a basic knowledge of industrial statistics is necessary (notions of averages, standard deviation, normal law…).
Thanks to the expertise of our Senior Consultant, you will be able to :
- Understand the concepts and uses of the methods for analyzing the variation of measurement systems, in accordance with the “AS13003 MSA for the Aero Engine Supply Chain” standard, issued 2015 0°2.
- Put these requirements into practice by analyzing measurement systems.
- Initiate more targeted improvement actions on measurement systems.
The playful pedagogy will allow you to understand the concepts implemented in the control of measurement systems. In the inter-session, school cases are used for practical activities while in the intra-session, real company cases will be used as examples.
At the end of the training, you will be able to:
- Ensure that your measurement systems are appropriate for your needs.
- Know if your measurement practices in project or mass production can guarantee the achievement of compliant products.
- Qualify your measurement systems.
- Respond competently to your customers or auditors questions or queries.
For more information, feel free to contact us at 02 51 13 13 00 or by mail : muriel.gueret@euro-symbiose.fr