🇬🇧 Discover the new version of the VDA volume 2 (2020)

Production Process and Product Approval (PPA) : Quality Assurance for Supplies
In the context of globalization and digitalization of the working environment, the “PPA” approach has become central to quality management.
Before the start of production, automotive suppliers must prove that their products and production processes meet internal quality requirements and those of their customers.
The method, “ Production Process and Product Approval ” (PPA) is described in volume 2 of the VDA. It describes the requirements for sampling when submitting initial samples to the customer and defines all parts and documents to be submitted to them. Thus, it helps to ensure that customer expectations are understood and implemented by the supplier.
Since May 2020, the 6th edition of the VDA 2 manual, presents an even more standardized procedure for improving cooperation between the company and its customers. The emphasis is on planning and coordination between client / suppliers in the qualification process: the scope, content and planning must be agreed and established in advance with the client.
Other new features:
- Software subject included.
- Approval levels are changed.
- Documents to be submitted are now reduced thanks to a prior self-assessment of the product-process, development process.
- The triggers of a PPA procedure and the proofs of internal and external production are discussed.
- The company’s responsibility for creating all necessary documents is emphasized.
- The PPA process has been harmonized with the AIAG PPAP process.
In addition, submission levels are eliminated, taking into account customer expectations.
To conclude, the new VDA 2 (2020) highlights the customer / supplier partnership through a standardized submission and acceptance procedure within the supply chain, for an optimized customer / supplier interface !
Mandatory implementation of this new manual will be carried out with the CSRs (customer specific requirements), including the modification of an existing PPA file.
Based on these improvements, EURO-SYMBIOSE has updated its certification training “ Production Process and Product Approval (PPA)”, approved by the VDA-QMC. By following this module, you will be able to :
- Understand the new PPA qualification process.
- Initiate and plan the PPA process with the customer.
- Understand how this approach fits into the new product development project.
- Know the content of a PPA file according to the importance of the product.
- Know how to manage changes and modifications to the PPA file.
See the program in detail here. Note: the VDA 2 manual (6th edition) is included. For more information, feel free to contact us at 02 51 13 13 00 or by email: muriel.gueret@euro-symbiose.fr